Chandigarh, September 6, 2024 -The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB), during its ongoing campaign against corruption in the state, on Friday apprehended Tehsildar Dera Baba Nanak, Lakhwinder Singh along with his driver for demanding and accepting bribe of Rs 50,000.
Disclosing this here today an official spokesperson of the state VB said the above mentioned accused has been arrested on a complaint lodged by Sukhdev Singh Sohi, a resident of Village Mansoor, Tehsil Dera Baba Nanak, district Gurdaspur, now residing at village Ramdas in Amritsar district.
He further added that the complainant has approached the VB and alleged that Ajaib Singh, a resident of Dhandowal Shahkot, District Jalandhar had filed a complaint against him regarding a land dispute which was marked for verification to the above said Tehsildar. During this process, Sukhdev Singh Sohi, along with Dilbagh Singh Numberdar from Village Ratta, met with the aforementioned Tehsildar who had demanded a bribe of Rs. 50,000 through Dilbagh Singh in exchange for favoring Sukhdev Singh Sohi in his report.
The spokesperson informed that after a preliminary inquiry the VB has laid a trap in which the accused Tehsildar were caught red handed while accepting a bribe of Rs.50,000 from the complainant in the presence of two official witnesses. He further added that the accused Tehsildar has handed over the bribe money to his driver and the VB team has also arrested him as an accused being his accomplice to handle the illegal gratification.
He added that in this regard a case under Prevention of Corruption Act has been registered against both the accused at VB Police Station, Amritsar range. The accused would be produced in the competent court tomorrow and further investigation was under progress, he said.