New Delhi, August 4,, one of the leading travel conglomerates in the country organised a special screening of Imtiaz Ali’s Directorial Bollywood Blockbuster, Jab Harry Met Sejal on Friday, August 4th at Delite Cinema in Delhi. The gathering saw presence of who’s who from the tourism and hospitality sector, corporate and the media world. has acquired the distribution rights of Jab Harry Met Sejal for Delhi and UP regions of India. The sectors, Delhi and UP together contribute about 20-25% of the movie collections’ market business in the country. Jab Harry Met Sejal has been released on 700-800 screens in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. The movie is a tale of a Gujarati girl, Sejal, played by Anushka Sharma who searches for her missing ring in Europe with the help of a guide named Harry, played by Shah Rukh Khan. Both the actors together are a hit pair who have appeared in super-hit movies like Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi and Jab Tak Hai Jaan in the past.
Jab Harry Met Sejal is not their first movie venture as they have co-produced other popular movies like Madaari, Freaky Ali, Mumbai 125km, Laathi (in Marathi), Guest in London and others. They have also bought the distribution rights of Salman Khan Starrer, ‘Tubelight’ that released on the eve of Eid this year, Rustom & others. Apart from above, they are also co-producing Manikarnika - Queen of Jhansi - starring Kangana Ranaut playing lead of Rani Laxmi Bai, which has a budget of approx100 crores. was founded by three brothers in 2008 and since then has become a major player in the tourism sector. The trio Nishant Pitti, Rikant Pitti and Prashant Pitti started the company from a home garage. Within its 8 years of establishment, the company has registered an annual turnover of Rs. 1800 crores, which talks about the high volumes of business of the company. Now the company has also made its mark in the movie business.
Mr. Nishant Pitti, CEO, EaseMyTrip.comwhile speaking to the media said, “The Indian film industry is one of the most popular as well as a promising industry in India. Indian films showcases the Indian culture, values and creativity to the world and they also connect hearts with their content and emotions. Bollywood has also been instrumental in promoting unknown destinations. This is where synergy between Bollywood and online travel portal like us comes. I am glad that travel is an integral part of Jab Harry Met Sejal as well.”
“We ventured into co-producing movies in 2015 and realized that there is lot of scope in the industry and there is need of good players. Today we are proud to say we made the right decision. We have associated ourselves with movies that leave a mark on the audience. We expect a great response for this movie as well,” added Mr. Pitti.
He further said, “ is committed to be a responsible travel company that is committed to offer best service to our valuable clients. We are registering a strong 60% year-on-year growth and that is what encourages us to invest in new verticals. We have few more business plans that we will be announcing soon. I have planned this event for our valued associates that have always supported us and are behind the success of our company.” has 28 offices across the globe, with more than 500 employees working for the company.
About the Company is one the top five online travel portals in India with 28 offices across India, Dubai, Singapore, Thailand, Maldives, Turkey, Russia, Bali and Mauritius. The brainchild of Pitti brothers, Easy Trip Planners Pvt. Ltd (, the company was founded in 2008 with a team of four people. Today has a strength of 500 professionals. Recently Mr. Nishant Pitti was awarded as the “Young Entrepreneur” by Entrepreneur India. The company is a major B2B player with an efficient network of 42,000 travel agents across the world to reach out to the customers in tier II and tier III cities. With a clear vision of its founders, the company has become one of the largest retailing networks in the travel industry with its B2B and B2C affiliated services.