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Samaira Sandhu is the name today that you all resonate with when we talk about Self made girls.Madhu Mohan: A Culinary Visionary and Entrepreneurial Powerhouse'When life throws you in air only two choices you have. Either to fall or fly high...'IDEAL DIET FOR WEIGHT LOSS BY DR SONIA GANDHI, FORTIS HEALTH CARE MOHALIDiscover Luxury at Black Mango Resort: The Premier Destination in Kala Amb, Nahanहिंदू पर्व महासभा, चण्डीगढ़ ने होलिका दहन, होली, नववर्ष प्रतिपदा एवं रामनवमी शोभायात्रा के कार्यक्रमों की रूपरेखा तैयार की NEWS RECEIVED FROM PUNJAB STATE UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF C.M.SH.BHAGWANT SINGH MANN AND OTHER NEWS - PART-1PU Launches its YouTube Channel - All Preparations Complete for Panjab University's 72nd ConvocationCHANDIGARH POLICE BRIEF OF CASES DATED-11.03.2025NEWS RECEIVED FROM DPRO CHAMBA FOCUSING DC CHAMBA SH.मुकेश रेपसवाल AND OTHER NEWSNEWS RECEIVED FROM DPRO KANGRA FOCUSING DC KANGRA हेमराज बैरवा AND OTHER DISTT. KANGRA NEWS STORIESNEWS RECEIVED FROM DPRO UNA FOCUSING DC UNA SH.JATIN LAL AND OTHER EVENTS Zee Punjabi Unveils Promo of New Show Kashni on Women's Day, Celebrating the Journey of a Woman – Premiering on 31st March, Airing Mon-Sat at 9 PMNEWS RECEIVED FROM JJP H.QS CHANDIGARHNEWS RECEIVED FROM INLD PARTY H.QS.AT CHANDIGARHLPU Students Engineered and Launched Drones and Rockets at Technical Fest Cognitia'25NEWS RECEIVED FROM DPRO KANGRA, MANDI, HAMIRPUR मतदान दलों को क्यूआर कोड से स्कैन करके मिलेंगी मतपेटियांNEWS RECEIVED FROM HARYANA STATE UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF C.M.SH.NAYAB SINGH SAINI AND OTHER NEWSNEWS RECEIVED FROM DIRECTOR PUBLIC RELATIONS SHIMLA FOCUSING CM THAKUR SUKHVINDER SINGH AND HIS ASSOCIATESचौदहवीं विधान सभा के अष्टम सत्र (बजट सत्र) विधान सभा की कार्यवाही देखने आए स्कूली बच्चों से विधान सभा अध्यक्ष ने किया संवाद।NEWS RECEIVED FROM PUNJAB STATE UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF C.M.SH.BHAGWANT SINGH MANN AND OTHER NEWSNEWS RECEIVED FROM DPRO BILASPUR FOCUSING उपायुक्त बिलासपुर आबिद हुसैन सादिक AND OTHER NEWSCUH Scholar Selected for Postdoctoral Research in Europeडोर-टू-डोर गार्बेज कलेक्टर यूनियन का नगर निगम पर शोषण का आरोप
अब हीराक्षी के मामा की कार पर पेड़ गिरा, कार क्षतिग्रस्त, किसी बड़े हादसे से बचाव
*पिछले वर्ष सेक्टर 9 स्थित कार्मेल कॉन्वेंट स्कूल में पेड़ गिरने से जान गंवाने वाली स्कूल की छात्रा हीराक्षी के मामा अमित कुमार की कार पर पेड़ गिर गया जिससे कार बुरी तरह से क्षतिग्रस्त हो गई। जानकारी देते हुए अमित कुमार ने बताया कि वह मकान नंबर 3227, सेक्टर 19-डी चण्डीगढ़ के रहने वाले हैं। रोज की तरह अपनी कार घर के बाहर खड़ी करते हैं। शुक्रवार रात भी उन्होंने अपनी कार घर के बाहर खड़ी की
Natural Calamities #141588 - 09-Jul-2023 04:35 PM
Famous City Dentist ,Dr Sarabjeet Singh who has already earned laurels in his dental profession is also manifesting his creativity in cooking during the lock down period.
Thanks to lock out and imposition of curfew, which had not only helped in repulsing CORONA VIRUS, but facilitated him with lot of rest , learning of new techniques in food preparations, exercises to keep the body fit, to guide the children in their studies to listen to TV programs for entertainment.
Natural Calamities #95528 - 18-Apr-2020 01:28 PM
Intermittent Lockdown: how to restart the economy after the crisis
*Prof. Uri Alon of the Weizmann Institute of Science and his graduate students Omer Karin and Yael Korem-Kohanim, together with senior engineer Boaz Dudovich of Applied Materials, suggest, based on an epidemiological model they developed, a policy that should effectively suppress the coronavirus and at the same time, allow sustainable, albeit reduced, economic activity. *Weizmann Institute scientists present a mathematical model for restarting the economy
Natural Calamities #95265 - 07-Apr-2020 06:06 PM
Hindus offer condolences on Billy Graham's death
Hindus have offered condolences on the death of Billy Graham, the renowned Christian preacher with a global reach, who died on February 21 in Montreat, North Carolina.
Natural Calamities #67254 - 22-Feb-2018 02:08 PM
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