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Samaira Sandhu is the name today that you all resonate with when we talk about Self made girls.Madhu Mohan: A Culinary Visionary and Entrepreneurial Powerhouse'When life throws you in air only two choices you have. Either to fall or fly high...'IDEAL DIET FOR WEIGHT LOSS BY DR SONIA GANDHI, FORTIS HEALTH CARE MOHALIDiscover Luxury at Black Mango Resort: The Premier Destination in Kala Amb, Nahanहिंदू पर्व महासभा, चण्डीगढ़ ने होलिका दहन, होली, नववर्ष प्रतिपदा एवं रामनवमी शोभायात्रा के कार्यक्रमों की रूपरेखा तैयार की NEWS RECEIVED FROM PUNJAB STATE UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF C.M.SH.BHAGWANT SINGH MANN AND OTHER NEWS - PART-1PU Launches its YouTube Channel - All Preparations Complete for Panjab University's 72nd ConvocationCHANDIGARH POLICE BRIEF OF CASES DATED-11.03.2025NEWS RECEIVED FROM DPRO CHAMBA FOCUSING DC CHAMBA SH.मुकेश रेपसवाल AND OTHER NEWSNEWS RECEIVED FROM DPRO KANGRA FOCUSING DC KANGRA हेमराज बैरवा AND OTHER DISTT. KANGRA NEWS STORIESNEWS RECEIVED FROM DPRO UNA FOCUSING DC UNA SH.JATIN LAL AND OTHER EVENTS Zee Punjabi Unveils Promo of New Show Kashni on Women's Day, Celebrating the Journey of a Woman – Premiering on 31st March, Airing Mon-Sat at 9 PMNEWS RECEIVED FROM JJP H.QS CHANDIGARHNEWS RECEIVED FROM INLD PARTY H.QS.AT CHANDIGARHLPU Students Engineered and Launched Drones and Rockets at Technical Fest Cognitia'25NEWS RECEIVED FROM DPRO KANGRA, MANDI, HAMIRPUR मतदान दलों को क्यूआर कोड से स्कैन करके मिलेंगी मतपेटियांNEWS RECEIVED FROM HARYANA STATE UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF C.M.SH.NAYAB SINGH SAINI AND OTHER NEWSNEWS RECEIVED FROM DIRECTOR PUBLIC RELATIONS SHIMLA FOCUSING CM THAKUR SUKHVINDER SINGH AND HIS ASSOCIATESचौदहवीं विधान सभा के अष्टम सत्र (बजट सत्र) विधान सभा की कार्यवाही देखने आए स्कूली बच्चों से विधान सभा अध्यक्ष ने किया संवाद।NEWS RECEIVED FROM PUNJAB STATE UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF C.M.SH.BHAGWANT SINGH MANN AND OTHER NEWSNEWS RECEIVED FROM DPRO BILASPUR FOCUSING उपायुक्त बिलासपुर आबिद हुसैन सादिक AND OTHER NEWSCUH Scholar Selected for Postdoctoral Research in Europeडोर-टू-डोर गार्बेज कलेक्टर यूनियन का नगर निगम पर शोषण का आरोप
Get Ready for Adventure: Parasailing Activities to Begin at Govind Sagar Lake in Bilaspur
*DC Announces Trial Runs to Start in the First Week of December
Adventures #162278 - 28-Nov-2024 02:14 PM
Indian Army's athletes dominates amongst more than 200 participants at Snow Marathon in HP
*This edition was organised by Reach India and Himachal Tourism Department wherein more than 200 runners from India and abroad exhibited their dominance in four categories.
Adventures #149881 - 12-Mar-2024 04:10 PM
Adventures #146366 - 29-Nov-2023 02:01 PM
Paragliding Pre-World Cup kicks-off
Adventure sports being promoted in the State: R.S. Bali
Adventures #145384 - 26-Oct-2023 03:10 PM
एशियन राफ्टिंग चैंपियनशिप से नादौन को मिलेगी नई पहचान
*मुख्यमंत्री के निर्देशानुसार इस बार होगा भव्य आयोजन: हेमराज बैरवा*समापन समारोह में स्काई डाइविंग और सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम भी होंगे मुख्य आकर्षण
Adventures #145258 - 22-Oct-2023 11:56 AM
Manali ready to welcome tourists as Volvo bus services resume after 80 days
*MLA, Manali Bhuvneshwar Gaud flagged the Volvo bus from Patlikuhal onwards towards Manali and himself occupied a seat in it.
Adventures #144442 - 28-Sep-2023 07:37 PM
Atal Cafe located near Sissu lake and Sissu Helipad launched by HPTDC for the pleasure of visiting tourists
A beautiful place to take a break , one can enjoy boating at the lake with sumptuous food with Himachali delicacies at The Atal Cafe.
Adventures #114467 - 12-Oct-2021 08:07 PM
Tourism Minister Shri Satpal Maharaj hold a meeting with the officials to develop Tehri as an international tourist destination
*Tourism Minister Satpal Maharaj held a meeting with officials on Thursday to develop Tehri as a world-class tourist destination. A presentation was presented during the session highlighting the potential of the area for holistic development covering all the aspects of tourism.
Adventures #112335 - 19-Aug-2021 06:05 PM
Every year tourists throng Uttarakhand during the start of summers, marking the same a group of 55 people from Uttar Pradesh are visiting Corbett National Park here at Ramnagar, Nainital.
Tourism Minister Shri Satpal Ji Maharaj said, "It is pleasing to see that a group of travellers are here and exploring Uttarakhand. We will continuously work to ensure safe travel so that more and more people can come here and visit our scenic state."
Adventures #106648 - 23-Mar-2021 07:00 PM
32 villages notified under the third phase of Trekking Traction Centre
Secretary Tourism, Mr. Dilip Jawalkar said, "The aim of the Trekking Traction Center Home Stay Scheme is to provide new heights to adventure tourism in the state by setting up residential facilities for tourists in remote rural areas.
Adventures #106345 - 16-Mar-2021 07:02 PM
Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board (UTDB) has initiated a campaign to invite devotees and adventure lovers from all over the nation.
*Secretary, Tourism Uttarakhand Mr. Dilip Javalkar said, "Kumbh brings the country in a thread of cultural, religious unity. A large number of devotees reach Kumbh to take the holy dip. *As part of the campaign, large hoardings are put up by Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board (UTDB) in Dehradun, Jolly Grant Airport, Haridwar, Pantnagar Airport, Delhi on selected spots like Jantar Mantar Road, CP Palika Bazar, Janpath Road, Mandi House Metro Station, Calamus Fort Road Delhi, Sarojini Nagar, and Gwalior Potteries.
Adventures #106307 - 15-Mar-2021 06:21 PM
पर्यटन मंत्री ने किया खादी हाट का उद्घाटन
इस केंद्र में उत्तराखंड के ग्रामीण अंचल और सुदूरवर्ती पर्वतीय क्षेत्रों में महिलाओं द्वारा उत्पादित अनेक प्रकार के उपयोगी उत्पादों को बेचने के लिए प्रदर्शित किया गया है।
Adventures #105649 - 27-Feb-2021 07:30 PM
Uttarakhand Tourism Department Encourages Tourism through Discovery's new title Explore Uttarakhand
*The two-part special film introduce hidden gems of Uttarakhand – from places thrilling adventure sports to yoga retreats that heals mind and the body *The films on Adventure Tourism and Health and Wellness Tourism be aired on Discovery *Both the films will be release on 20st February 2021 at 7 PM and 21st February respectively
Adventures #105275 - 19-Feb-2021 03:53 PM
Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board is hosting the 3-day grandeur 'Ganga Kayak Festival' organized by 'The Adventure Sports Society' with the aim to promote adventure tourism in the state.
Tourism Minister, Mr. Satpal Maharaaz said “Ganga Kayak Festival is an international competition which hosts a wide range of participants and I am sure that these activities will level up adventure tourism in the state and put Uttarakhand on the world map for ideal adventure tourism destination”.
Adventures #104251 - 18-Feb-2021 06:10 PM
तीन दिवसीय गंगा कयाक फेस्टिवल का होगा आयोजन
गंगा कयाक फेस्टिवल का आयोजन 17 से 19 फरवरी तक होगा
Adventures #103834 - 06-Feb-2021 06:32 PM
The Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board (UTDB) conducted a community outreach campaign for the management, maintenance, cleanliness of trekking from Shahshani Ashram Rajpur Road to Jhadipani Mussoorie on Sunday.
On the occasion, Secretary Tourism Mr. Dilip Jawalkar said, "The main aim of this event is to take suggestions from visitors and form a community wherein changes can be made for good."
Adventures #103635 - 31-Jan-2021 04:21 PM
पर्यटन मंत्री सतपाल महाराज ने अवगत कराया कि आगामी 16 व 17 फरवरी को टिहरी के कोटि काॅलोनी में टिहरी झील महोत्सव-2021 का भव्य आयोजन किया जायेगा।
पर्यटन मंत्री सतपाल महाराज ने बताया कि ‘‘विश्व मानचित्र में विशिष्ट पहचान दिलाने व पर्यटन की गतिविधियों को बढ़ावा देते हुए स्थानीय युवाओं को रोजगार मुहैया कराकर उनकी आर्थिक स्थिति को बेहतर बनाने के उद्देश्य से दो दिवसीय टिहरी महोत्सव का आयोजन किया जा रहा है।’’
Adventures #103600 - 30-Jan-2021 05:14 PM
Tourism Secretary Dilip Jawalkar inspected nearly 5 km proposed trek route from Shahanshahi Ashram Rajpur Road to Jharipani Mussoorie on Sunday.
Mr. Jawalkar further talked with trekkers and cyclists on the way and stated that public participation is necessary for maintaining cleanliness of the route. Some people were registered during the visit on Sunday.
Adventures #103371 - 24-Jan-2021 06:14 PM
पर्यटन विभाग द्वारा द्वितीय चरण में ट्रैकिंग ट्रक्शन सेन्टर होम-स्टे नियमावली-2020 के प्राविधानों के अन्तर्गत जनपद बागेश्वर के खाती, जनपद पिथौरागढ़ के सरमोली
पर्यटन मंत्री सतपाल महाराज ने कहा कि ट्रैकिंग ट्रक्शन सेन्टर होम-स्टे योजना का उद्देश्य ट्रैकिंग टूरिज्म की सम्भावनाओं वाले दूरस्थ ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में पर्यटकों हेतु आवासीय सुविधायें स्थापित करते हुए राज्य में साहसिक पर्यटन को नई ऊँचाइयाँ प्रदान करना है।
Adventures #103299 - 22-Jan-2021 05:58 PM
आयुष राणा व प्रियांजलि रमोला ने जीती क्याकिंग चैम्पियनशिप प्रतियोगिता
प्रदेश में साहसिक पर्यटन को बढ़ावा देने के उद्देश्य से जनपद उत्तरकाशी में तीन दिवसीय जिला स्तरीय वाटर स्पोर्ट्स क्याकिंग चैम्पियनशिप प्रतियोगिता का शनिवार को समापन हुआ। समापन कार्यक्रम में मुख्यअतिथि के रूप में अजीत गुसांई सभासद नगरपालिका परिषद वार्ड नं0 8 व बुद्धि सिंह राणा वार्ड नं0 9 लदाड़ी उत्तरकाशी ने शिरकत की।
Adventures #103111 - 16-Jan-2021 05:54 PM
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