Chandigarh Glamour Icon Group organized a pre-Lohri colorful program at the hotel, in which Neetu Khatri and Monia Sethi led the program.
12/01/2025 07:51 PM #165496
*In the program, apart from DJ dance, there were also Boliya and Gidda. Apart from this, games and competitions were also organized and Lohri was celebrated with bonfire.
*Aarti Rana,Komal, Riya, Veena, Kiran, Navjot, Amrita, Rajni, etc. won many prizes.
चंडीगढ़ नारी एकता संगठन ने धूमधाम से मनाई लौड़ी। —-
12/01/2025 07:35 PM #165495
चंडीगढ़ नारी एकता संगठन ने सैक्टर चालीस के सामुदायिक केंद्र में अत्यंत ह्रषोउल्लास और धूमधाम से लोहड़ी का पर्व मनाया गया। संगठन की प्रधान राजेश गणेश ने सभी का स्वागत किया , जनरल सैकटरी , कवियत्री विमला गुगलानी ने बखूबी मंच सचांलन का कार्यभार संभाला।
Autofest, Day 3: Eknath Shinde & Gautam Singhania
12/01/2025 04:51 PM #165485
*Maharashtra Deputy CM Eknath Shinde with Gautam Hari Singhania, Chairman & Managing Director, Raymond Group at the Raymond Autofest, organised by Super Car Club Garage (SCCG), standing beside an iconic vintage auto
Geetanjali International Foundation Hosts the 5th Edition of Sant Shiromani Surdas Mahotsav
31/12/2024 06:44 PM #165179
Speaking about the festival, *Geetanjali Sharma, founder of the Mahotsav, shared, *“The Surdas Mahotsav is not just a festival—it is a heartfelt tribute to the timeless wisdom and devotion of Sant Surdas. Through the universal language of music and dance, we endeavor to bring his poetic legacy closer to audiences across generations".