MAHENDERGARH, 17.01.25-A mass reading of the Preamble to the Constitution of India was held at the Department of Law, Central University of Haryana (CUH), Mahendergarh on January 17, 2025. The event was attended by Prof. Anand Sharma, Dean of Students' Welfare, who led the students and faculty members in reading the Preamble together. Prof. Anand Sharma emphasized the importance of following the path laid out by the founding members of the Constitution. He said that under the leadership of Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, the University plans to organize more such programs to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Constitution of India. The mass reading of the Preamble served as a reminder of the Constitution's enduring relevance and the responsibilities that come with being citizens of India.
Dr. Pardeep Singh, Dean and Head of the Department of Law, delivered a talk on the significance of the Preamble's wording and sequence, highlighting its paramount importance in understanding and upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution.
This event was part of the Government of Haryana's initiative to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Constitution of India, under the slogan "Mera Savidhan, Mera Swabbiman" (My Constitution, My Pride). The Government of India is also observing this milestone nationwide.