CHANDIGARH, 17.01.25-The Department of Nursing had organised aneed based five days Workshop from 13.01.2025 to 17.01.2025 with the aim to sensitize the nursing staff of GMCH on Infection Control Practices with the topics i.e. Hand Hygiene, Spill Management, Management of Needle Stick Injury, Biomedical Waste Management & Preparation of Solutions for disinfection. The programme was initiated by constituting a Committee of 10 Members of Nursing Professionals of GMCH under the leadership of Officiating Nursing Superintendent Ms. AmanvirKaur alongwith the Chairpersonship of Assistant Nursing Superintendent Ms. Gurmit Kaur. Total 220 Nursing Professionals were benefited from these sessions. The concluding session was held on 17.01.2025 and graced by the Hon’ble Director Principal & Worthy Medical Superintendent of GMCH. Hon’ble Director Principal Prof. A. K. Attriappreciated the initiative taken by the Department of Nursing to sensitize the Nursing Staff on most crucial topics. Further, the Worthy Medical Superintendent Prof. G.P. Thami also congratulated the nursing team and motivated to have many more of such educational activities in future. The Appreciation Certificates also awarded to the trainers and the session ended up with the Vote of Thanks.