CHANDIGARH, 25.01.25-In a spirited school assembly, Gurukul Global School celebrated Republic Day and Pink Turban Day with great enthusiasm and a strong message of unity and empowerment. The event was graced by School President Ms. Neena Setya, Managing Director Mr. Praveen Setya, Director Mr. Devraj Setya and Principal Ms. Urvashi Kakkar, their presence inspired students to embrace their responsibilities towards the nation. A series of programs—including poem recitations, speeches, show-and-tell presentations and group as well as solo dance performances—highlighted the theme of patriotism.
Pink Turban Day was marked by a choreographed performance that depicted the challenges faced by girls and how they can overcome these obstacles by recognizing their true strength. In her address, Principal Ms. Urvashi Kakkar urged students to become good citizens and take forward the projects and initiatives launched by the nation. Emphasizing that each child shoulders a significant responsibility, she encouraged them to actively work toward the greater good, thereby contributing to the continued progress and prosperity of the country.