MUMBAI,14.05.24-Jasmeet Kaur, the talented lead actress portraying Sehaj in the popular show "Sehajveer," has revealed delightful behind-the-scenes moments from the set. Her friendship with co-actors Ramandeep Singh Sur and Kiranpreet kaur has been a highlight, filled with laughter and shared passion for their roles.

In a recent statement, Jasmeet who is playing Sehaj's role, expressed, "Working on 'Sehajveer' has been an incredible journey, largely thanks to the amazing dynamics on set. Sharing this experience with Ramandeep Singh Sur and Kiranpreet kaur has been both joyful and inspiring. We've developed a great bond while bringing our characters to life."

The chemistry between Jasmeet and Ramandeep Singh Sur and Kiranpreet kaur translates beautifully on screen, adding depth to the storyline and engaging viewers. "Our off-screen rapport contributes to the authenticity of our on-screen connection," Jasmeet said.

"Sehajveer" has garnered widespread acclaim for its compelling narrative and compelling performances. Jasmeet Kaur's portrayal of Sehaj has captivated audiences, and her off-screen enthusiasm reflects the show's success.

Catch Jasmeet Kaur, Ramandeep Singh Sur, and Kiranpreet kaur in action on "Sehajveer," airing Mon to Sat 8:30 Pm only on Zee Punjabi.