CHANDIGARH, 14.09.24-Basic pillars of our health are Diet, Physical therapy, Stress free environment, Adequate sleep and Healthy Real Social relations.

Let’s talk about the main pillar today i.e. the diet. ‘You are what you eat ‘ is an age old proverb and so very true. Your physical and mental health depends almost three fourth on the type of food you eat. Our body is made of basic elements – water, earth, fire and air. We need to nourish these natural elements with natural food! Hydration of the body is a must for keeping water balance since our body is 50-70 percent water. Whatever food is closer to nature and direct from our mother earth without any chemical alterations to increase its shelf life will be the best to boost the earth element . We breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide. Foods which enhance this process will keep our lungs and respiratory system healthy. The fire element in our body is the digestive fire which is actually burning on all synthetic fuel ( food) now a days and giving out all sort of toxic elements in form of digestive heath issues suffered by many. We need to give the right fuel in form of healthy food to our digestive fire .It’s strange that such a basic thing today has become so difficult to achieve.

This diet teaser should tickle the thinking cap in your body. If it has done so, you will definitely wait for the next writeup explaining in detail all about healthy diet and the act of balancing.