MAHENDERGARH, 22.02.25-Research team comprising of Dr. Anita Kumari; Prof. Surender Singh, and Deepika (Project Associate), Central University of Haryana (CUH), Mahendergarh organized two-days hands-on-training entitled “Vitamin D biofortification techniques and functional food development: Targeting SDGs (1,2& 3) for health, nutrition, and economic security” for PARAGTISHEEL self-help-group (SHG), Bawania village of Mahendergarh under Haryana DST funded project on “Development of vitamin D enriched functional food products for the management of hypovitaminosis D among adolescent girls of Haryana. Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar, Vice-Chancellor congratulated the team and motivated them for providing hands-on-training to the women beneficiaries of SHG, which is an important step towards AATAM NIRBHAR BHARAT.
Prof. Surender Singh, Department of Microbiology sensitized women of SHG about the training programme and how it would be helpful to strengthen their skills for large scale production of vitamin D enriched food products leading to health and economic stability. One of the project investigators; Prof. Neelam Sangwan revealed that aim of the training was to introduce new skills to develop innovative food products from mushroom and millets for large scale production to mitigate the problem of Vitamin D deficiency among adolescent girls.
Dr. Anita Kumari revealed that a total of 22 women were trained for Vitamin D biofortification techniques in food commodities and emphasis was also on to develop vitamin D enriched food products viz., cookies, pinni and nutri-bar. Prof. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Dean Research appreciated the efforts of the team to conduct applied, and society-based research, which will not only provide economic security but will also provide the solution for the management of Vitamin D deficiency among targeted population. Prof. Suneel Kumar, Registrar; Prof. Dinesh Kumar Gupta, Dean SIAS and Prof. Prof. Kanti Prakash Sharma, Head, Nutrition Biology also congratulated the team for putting sincere efforts for quality and need based research.