MAHENDERGARH,17.04.24-The Department of Chemistry, Central University of Haryana (CUH), Mahendergarh, organized an invited lecture on “Bio-inspired Nonheme Iron Oxygen Activation” on Thursday. For this event, the department has invited a renowned foreign speaker Prof. Peter Comba from Heidelberg University, Germany (more than 600 years old university).
Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar, Vice-Chancellor of the University interacted and welcomed Prof. Comba and also discussed about the various parameters which are important for improving the research-based activities in the university. The Vice-Chancellor also congratulated the Department of Chemistry for arranging this event.
Prof. Peter Comba has discussed various factors which are important and valuable for developing new coordination complexes and their applications in the field of medicinal chemistry especially for developing non-toxic drugs which MRI purposes, catalysis, process development of active pharmaceutical ingredients useful in pharma industry, storage devices etc. He also highlighted and discussed the role of the exchange of metal electrons and change in structural parameters during transition states and their effect on their reactivity of different compounds that can help to design new potential oxidants for catalytic transformation reactions. He has also interacted with research scholars of the department and motivated them to do research in advanced areas of chemistry and machine learning.
On this occasion, Prof. Vinod Kumar, Head of Department of Chemistry, Prof. Harish Kumar, Dr. Manoj K Gupta, Dr. Azaj Ansari, Dr. Anindita Charaborty and Dr. Amit Kumar welcomed Prof. Comba. On this occasion, gueast faculty members were also present. At the end of the occasion, Dr. Azaj Ansari, organizer of this event thanked Prof. Peter Comba for giving insightful lecture and