SHIMLA,22.05.24-The Centre for Comparative Public Law and The Centre for Child and Women Studies, Himachal Pradesh National Law University in association with the National Commission for Women, New Delhi conducted a One- Day Capacity Building Programme on 22 May, 2024 at the University Campus. The expert panellists of the capacity building programme included Prof (Dr.) Chanchal Kr. Singh, Vice Chancellor (officiating), HPNLU, Ms. Meenakshi Negi, Member Secretary, National Commission of Women, Dr. Parimala Kancharla, Assistant Professor, School of Computing and Electrical Engineering (SCEE), Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi, Prof. (Dr.) Sanjeev Sharma, University Institute of Management Studies, Panjab University, Ms. Geeta Kapoor, Former Managing Director, SJVN.
The theme of the Capacity building programme was “Rise and Lead Young Women Pioneering in Technology Business and Public Life”. The presidential address for the event was delivered by Prof. (Dr.) Chanchal Kr. Singh, Vice Chancellor (Officiating), HPNLU Shimla and he emphasized the importance of empowering young women through reviving the feminist principles in legal, economic and political systems.
Ms. Meenakshi Negi, Member Secretary, National Commission of Women, extended a warm welcome to all participants. She stated that in the right to vote was denied to women in western society for a long time.
Dr. Parimala Kancharla, Assistant Professor, School of Computing and Electrical Engineering (SCEE), Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi addressed the audience in the first technical session on “Tech Horizons: Navigating Emerging Opportunities in AI, Drone Technology.
Prof. (Dr.) Sanjeev Sharma, University Institute of Management Studies, Panjab University, addressed the audience in the second technical session on “Women in Decision Making: Women Leading in Public Life” with the analysis of data demonstrated that the situation of women is improving and the government policies are playing instrumental role in their progress and development.
Ms. Geeta Kapoor, Former Managing Director, SJVN, in her address in third technical session on “Women in Corporate Arena” emphasized the challenges faced by women in corporate arena.
The Capacity Building Programme witnessed enthusiastic participation from students and scholars, with a significant majority being female attendees, reaffirming their commitment to women's empowerment. The event concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Prof. (Dr.) S.S. Jaswal, Registrar, Himachal Pradesh National Law University.