1. Chandigarh September 17, 2024-To celebrate Engineers Day, Dr. S.S. Bhatnagar University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology (Dr.SSBUICET), Panjab University Chandigarh, invited Prof. Shantanu Bhattacharya, Director CSIO-CSIR Chandigarh delivered a lecture on Biosensors and Microfluidics.
  2. Prof. Bhattacharya emphasized the significant role of Biosensors and Microfluidics in modern science and technology. He spoke about his journey as an engineer and his work on biosensors and microfluidics and highlighting their role in the world. He also highlighted their applications in healthcare, diagnostics, and environmental monitoring, showcasing their potential to revolutionize industries globally. He discussed recent advancements in the field, particularly in the development of portable and efficient diagnostic tools. These innovations are paving the way for more accessible healthcare solutions and precise real-time monitoring across various sectors.
  3. Prof. Rumina Sethi, Dean of University Instruction presided over the celebrations and stressed the need to keep the artistic spirit in every Engineer intact. She highlighted that engineering, while rooted in technical knowledge and problem-solving, also requires creativity and innovation, which are often fuelled by an artistic perspective. By fostering this artistic sensibility, engineers can approach challenges with a broader vision, integrating design, aesthetics, and human-centric solutions into their work.
  4. Prof. Anupama Sharma, Chairperson, Dr. SSBUICET welcomed the guests and elaborated about the importance of Engineer’s day in today's struggle for sustainability. Prof. Gaurav Verma, Coordinator for the event presented a vote of thanks. The event was supported by IIChE-CRC, SPSTI, Chandigarh Academies, INYAS, UT DST, IIC and CRIKC. The event was attended by students and faculty of UICET and 5 students from Yokohama National University, Japan who are visiting Panjab University under SXIP exchange program