Chandigarh, May 19:The two-days medical conclave on “Latest Trends in Endocrine, Diabetes and Cardio Renal Metabolic Problems” concluded here today, with focus of discussions on the cardio-vascular diseases amongst diabetic patients.

Senior endocrinologists debated over the issue of the growing claims of diabetes reversal on social media which they called it as a misnomer. In a panel discussion Dr. Vipan Talwar, Dr. Rajeev Khanna, and Dr. Emmy Grewal, considered pros and cons of this claim and said that they best term to describe the trend should be ‘remission’ which cannot be a cure for diabetes but a temporary relief.

This is possible only for patients who have been recently incidence of type 2 diabetes, and in case if they follow a low-calorie or low-carbohyderate diet, do regular exercise and are able to reduce their weight by 15kg, they could go off their medication.

Dr. S.K. Singh, head of endocrinology at Benaras Hindu University, Varanasi, shared his insight regarding diabetic patients having cardio-vascular and other morbidity issues, leading to mortality, said that advancements in medicines is to manage such patients by finding out the root cause and saving the patient’s life.

Another senior cardiologist Dr. Mohit Gupta in his motivational addressed touched upon the lifestyle changes amongst doctors themselves to be at peace with themselves, happy and empathetic about each patient, in order to lead a fulfilling life and treat the patients effectively.

Instead of being hi-tech the doctors should become hi-touch, that is more empathetic with the patients to deliver better treatment and become better doctors, Dr Gupta advised.

Lt.Gen. K.J.S.(Tiny) Dhillon, PVSM, UVSM, VSM, was the chief guest in the valedictory, function who in conversation with Dr. Sachin Mittal, shared many challenging anecdotes of his life, and said that both the army men and the doctors see death from close quarter, but major difference is that while a doctor may not be knowing one’s patient whereas we see our close associates with whom we work and live together for long life,

The Sweet Diabetes Foundation and 3rd edition of EPIC (Empowering Physicians in International Practices for Advanced Patient Care), conferred Life-Time Achievement awards to former head of endochronology in PGIMER, Dr. Anil Bhansali, and recently retired Director of the AFMC, Pune, Lt Gen Dr. Narendra Kotwal.