Chandigarh: Arya Samaj Sector 7B, Chandigarh organised 200 Kundiya Yagya under the guidance of Aryaratna, Padmashree Dr. Poonam Suri - President of Arya Pradeshik Pratinidhi Sabha and D.A.V. College Managing Committee, New Delhi.

Principals, teachers of various schools, officials and members of various Arya Samajs participated in this event. In the programme, 200 Kundiya Yagya was performed with Vedic mantras in the size of 200 whose beauty was worth seeing.

President of Arya Samaj chief Ravinder Talwar said that Maharishi Dayanand has made an important contribution in the upliftment of Indian Vedic culture. He was not only the founder of Arya Samaj but also a social reformer. Maharishi Dayanand was in favour of nationalism. He strongly opposed the ostentation and evil practices prevalent in the society. He emphasized equality in society. He has made a special contribution in women's education. Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati was the creator of modern India. He was rich in versatile talent. Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati's efforts in awakening India's self-respect were extraordinary. He was truly the creator of modern India. He gave a new dimension to Indian society through Vedas.