Chandigarh Police achieved a major success when the police team of Police Station Sector-39, under the directions of Ms. Kanwardeep Kaur, IPS W/SSP and Sh. Mridul, IPS, W/SP City under the supervision of Sh. Charanjit Singh Virk, SDPO/South West, & Inspector Chiranji Lal SHO/PS Sector-39 constitute a team comprising SI Narinder Singh & worked out a sensational case of theft which was registered on 28.07.2024 vide FIR No. 117 Dt. 28.07.2024 U/S 305(A), 331(3) BNS added 317(2) BNS in this P.S.

The guidelines/directions followed by the team resultantly police party of police station Sector-39, Chandigarh busted the thief and workout the above sensational case. The brief of the case is as under:-

FIR No 117 Dt. 28.07.2024 U/S 305(A), 331(3) BNS added 317(2) BNS PS-39, Chd

This case was registered on the Complainant of Sh Raj Kumar in which he reported that on 28.7.24 at about 7 AM, while he had gone to market for purchasing milk. After 10 minutes when he returned to his house, he found that his mobile phone make Realme C-23 Golden Colour was not in the room and had been stolen by someone

During the course of investigation, accused Ravi Negi S/o Sohan Singh R/o# 721, Vill. Burail Chd age 22 yrs arrested & twelve (12) android Mobile Phones have been recovered on his instance.

On preliminary investigation, it has been emerged that above accused also found involved in two more mobile theft cases.

  1. 1. FIR No 80 dt 26.05.2022 u/s 380, 411 IPC PS-39
  2. 2. FIR No. 121 dt 20.07.2023 u/s 380. 411 IPC PS-39

Profile of accused

1) Name: Ravi Negi Father’s Name:- Sh. Sohan Singh, Mother-Expired # 126, Vill Buterla, Sec-41B Chandigarh, Age- 22 years, 9th Pass, Occupation Labour,

Today accused is being produced before the Hon’ble Court and is being sent to judicial custody.