CHANDIGARH, 16.01.25-In a major breakthrough, PO & Summon staff of Chandigarh Police under the directions of SSP U.T. Chandigarh in the supervision of Ms.Sita Devi, Dy. SP DCC and team headed by Sh. Sher Singh, Inspector/Incharge PO & Summon staff is able to arrest proclaimed offender/absconders.
Detail of arrested person: -
- The state case POs namely Ram Sadal S/o Santu # 183, near Kishan dairy, Vill.Attawa, Sec-42, Chandigarh have been arrested from Attawa market in case FIR No. 53 dt.07.03.2019 u/s 13/3/67 Gambling Act, PS-36, Chandigarh. He was declared PO by the Hon’ble Court of Dr.Ambika Sharma, JMIC, Chandigarh vide order dated 04.01.2025. He was arrested and produced before the concerned court and sent to judicial custody.