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Samaira Sandhu is the name today that you all resonate with when we talk about Self made girls.Madhu Mohan: A Culinary Visionary and Entrepreneurial Powerhouse'When life throws you in air only two choices you have. Either to fall or fly high...'IDEAL DIET FOR WEIGHT LOSS BY DR SONIA GANDHI, FORTIS HEALTH CARE MOHALIDiscover Luxury at Black Mango Resort: The Premier Destination in Kala Amb, Nahanहिंदू पर्व महासभा, चण्डीगढ़ ने होलिका दहन, होली, नववर्ष प्रतिपदा एवं रामनवमी शोभायात्रा के कार्यक्रमों की रूपरेखा तैयार की NEWS RECEIVED FROM PUNJAB STATE UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF C.M.SH.BHAGWANT SINGH MANN AND OTHER NEWS - PART-1PU Launches its YouTube Channel - All Preparations Complete for Panjab University's 72nd ConvocationCHANDIGARH POLICE BRIEF OF CASES DATED-11.03.2025NEWS RECEIVED FROM DPRO CHAMBA FOCUSING DC CHAMBA SH.मुकेश रेपसवाल AND OTHER NEWSNEWS RECEIVED FROM DPRO KANGRA FOCUSING DC KANGRA हेमराज बैरवा AND OTHER DISTT. KANGRA NEWS STORIESNEWS RECEIVED FROM DPRO UNA FOCUSING DC UNA SH.JATIN LAL AND OTHER EVENTS Zee Punjabi Unveils Promo of New Show Kashni on Women's Day, Celebrating the Journey of a Woman – Premiering on 31st March, Airing Mon-Sat at 9 PMNEWS RECEIVED FROM JJP H.QS CHANDIGARHNEWS RECEIVED FROM INLD PARTY H.QS.AT CHANDIGARHLPU Students Engineered and Launched Drones and Rockets at Technical Fest Cognitia'25NEWS RECEIVED FROM DPRO KANGRA, MANDI, HAMIRPUR मतदान दलों को क्यूआर कोड से स्कैन करके मिलेंगी मतपेटियांNEWS RECEIVED FROM HARYANA STATE UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF C.M.SH.NAYAB SINGH SAINI AND OTHER NEWSNEWS RECEIVED FROM DIRECTOR PUBLIC RELATIONS SHIMLA FOCUSING CM THAKUR SUKHVINDER SINGH AND HIS ASSOCIATESचौदहवीं विधान सभा के अष्टम सत्र (बजट सत्र) विधान सभा की कार्यवाही देखने आए स्कूली बच्चों से विधान सभा अध्यक्ष ने किया संवाद।NEWS RECEIVED FROM PUNJAB STATE UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF C.M.SH.BHAGWANT SINGH MANN AND OTHER NEWSNEWS RECEIVED FROM DPRO BILASPUR FOCUSING उपायुक्त बिलासपुर आबिद हुसैन सादिक AND OTHER NEWSCUH Scholar Selected for Postdoctoral Research in Europeडोर-टू-डोर गार्बेज कलेक्टर यूनियन का नगर निगम पर शोषण का आरोप
*Shared Sr. Sefali Parmar, Principal of Carmel Convent School Chandigarh, while sharing a brief about a new initiative of “R.U.G.-Rise Up Girls Company under a President Droupadi Murmu Fan Club”, at Kitabghar, by volunteers of Yuvsatta and Girls Parliament of their school.
Women Empowerment Programmes #164917 - 20-Dec-2024 05:02 PM
Indian Oil to gift hi-tech stitching machines worth Rs.13.6 lakh to empower women
*A memorandum of understanding was signed here today by Indian Oil's Arif Akhtar, General Manager (HR-CSR), and Jaswinder Kaur, of Sukh Amrit Society. along with senior officers of the Punjab State office of Indian Oil.
Women Empowerment Programmes #135142 - 30-Dec-2022 12:35 PM
*Addressing the gathering Smt. Tara Gandhi shared that while working for the Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trusts across India “The women I work with are what inspire me to fight for women’s rights. I have seen women living through the worst, the best, and the hardest conditions. Their courage to work, their confidence, and their willingness to fight—that keeps me going.”
Women Empowerment Programmes #134503 - 09-Dec-2022 06:50 AM
Urvashi Dholakia on coto
“A place where we can be our true, imperfectly perfect selves” – Urvashi Dholakia on creating her community ‘I am Enough’ on coto,coto, a social community app, exclusively for women, where you can create & join communities that pique your interest and discuss topics without the fear of being judged or trolled!Join Urvashi Dholakia’s community, I Am Enough, on coto here.
Women Empowerment Programmes #134214 - 28-Nov-2022 06:53 PM
Lady Shri Ram College Alumni Association Organizes an event to support its Women Entrepreneurs
*The Lady Shri Ram College Alumni Association organized the ELSA Bazaar, NEW DELHI in collaboration with Bikaner House’s Sunday Market, on November 26 and 27th, 2022, in Bikaner House. *Ms. Laila Tyabji, Chairperson Dastkar, who inaugurated the bazaar, said, “We know women are creative, they multi-task, and are good at finding solutions – and at this time more than ever, the world needs this power.”
Women Empowerment Programmes #134209 - 28-Nov-2022 05:51 PM
Awareness Rally on Women Empowerment
*Honourable Ms Purva Garg, IAS, Education Secretary, Chandigarh Administration and Sh Amandeep Singh Bhatti, PCS, Director Higher Education, Chandigarh Administration flagged off the event, interacted with the children and walked with children throughout the rally. *Mrs Neelam Bansal, Library Incharge welcomed the dignitaries and the participants. Dr Neeza Singh, Librarian was the Co-ordinator of the event.
Women Empowerment Programmes #133867 - 16-Nov-2022 02:29 PM
Preneet Kaur holds massive protest against AAP govt's failure to provide guaranteed 1000 Rs per month to women
*Hands over a memorandum to DC Patiala, addressed to Punjab Govt to honour their guarantee*Women of Punjab feel completely cheated by the AAP Government - MP Preneet Kaur
Women Empowerment Programmes #130998 - 25-Aug-2022 06:14 PM
Grehlakshmi, the No. 1 Hindi women's magazine recently organized 'Grehlakshmi Dopahar' , a delightful 2-3 hours bash providing housewives a dose of infotainment, pampering them with special titles and engaging them with fun-filled activities.
*Dilli ki ladkiyaan, The inspire Spy were blog partners for the event. Retropop Lifestyle, a digital magazine, was also among the partners.
Women Empowerment Programmes #129860 - 28-Jul-2022 03:29 PM
महिला और बाल विकास मंत्रालय अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस के सप्ताह भर चलने वाले उत्सव के एक भाग के रूप में आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव 1 से 8 मार्च 2022 को एक 'प्रतिष्ठित सप्ताह' के रूप में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस सप्ताह मनाएगा।
*कार्यक्रम की मुख्य अतिथि चंडीगढ़ नगर निगम की कमिश्नर, अनिंदता मित्रा ने महिला दिवस पर इस कार्यक्रम का उद्घाटन किया और साथ ही अन्य अतिथियों द्वारा लड़कियों को भविष्य के प्रति मार्गदर्शन के बारे में बताया । इस दौरान सुश्री मित्रा ने सभा को सम्बोधित करते हुए कहा कि पुरुषों को महिलाओं का स्तर ऊपर उठाने में समान भागीदारी निभानी होगी। महिलाओं को आर्थिक सशक्तिकरण के लिए स्वरोजगार अपनाने पर बल दिया तथा अपने जीवन से जुड़ी घटनाओं का ज़िक्र करते हुए लड़कियों को प्रेरित किया।
Women Empowerment Programmes #122602 - 07-Mar-2022 05:49 PM
As a tribal woman, I feel empowered on achieving my Ph.D. goals: Aayushi Lyngwa
*Aayushi was introduced to National Fellowship Scheme (NFS) by one of her professors during her MPhil. Seeing how passionate her student was about pursuing her PhD, Professor Indira Dutta motivated her and explained the benefits of the fellowship.
Women Empowerment Programmes #118681 - 08-Jan-2022 02:36 PM
550 School Girls with Pink Turbans form a Human Chain In Show of Solidarity for Girl Rights & To Promote the slogan of 'Demand & Claim UR Rights)
*This unique initiative was organized by the Peace Club of DAV Model School, Sector 15A and NGO-Yuvsatta in active collaboration with Carmel Convent School, St. John’s School, IS Dev Samaj Sr. Sec. School, KB DAV Sr. Sec. School, Kundan International School, RIMT World School, Banyan Tree School, GMSSS, Sector 23A, MRA Sr. Sec. Model School, GMSSS, Kaimbwala, GMSSS, Sarangpur, GMS, Bapudham Colony & Kitabghar. Prominent others who were present on the occasion were Mr RC Jeewan, Vice Chairman and Madhu Bahl, Regional Director of DAV Managing Committee Member, Mr. Rajeshwar Singh, Law officer, SLSA, Sr. Advocate, Ms. Reeta Kohli, Mr. Baljinder Singh Bittoo, Chairman & Mr. Pradip, Secretary of FOSWAC-Federation of Sector Welfare Associations.
Women Empowerment Programmes #114397 - 11-Oct-2021 05:03 PM
हरियाणा के सिरसा जिला की महिलाएं स्वयं सहायता समूह से हुई आत्मनिर्भर
कोरोना महामारी ने लोगों के जीवन पर प्रतिकूल प्रभाव डाला है। बड़ी संख्या में लोगों की नौकरी चली गई है। इस प्रकार, इस अवसर पर बढ़ते हुए, सिरसा की महिलाएं आत्मनिर्भर बनने के लिए काफी प्रयास कर रही हैं। हरियाणा के सिरसा के मोहम्मदपुरिया गांव में ऐसी ही एक पहल में तीन महिलाओं ने अपना स्वयं सहायता समूह (एसएचजी) शुरू किया है और अपनी स्वदेशी चप्पल फैक्ट्री की स्थापना की है।
Women Empowerment Programmes #108392 - 15-May-2021 12:02 PM
'No Filter' - Power-packed event by 315Work Avenue discusses women's challenges and successes at 'Womenia 2021'
Commenting on the event, Mr. Manas Mehrotra, Founder, 315Work Avenue said: “315Work Avenue has always unwaveringly supported women from different walks of life and their efforts to succeed and take up leadership in diverse domains. We are glad that we could offer a platform like Womenia for them to share their experiences and success stories that could inspire many more women. We will continue to support their cause and endeavour to seek parity overcoming all odds".
Women Empowerment Programmes #106623 - 23-Mar-2021 03:41 PM
“Adding more colour to the surroundings! Art by our tribal communities is spectacular. This handcrafted Gond Paper Painting merges colours and creativity. Bought this painting today. #NariShakti.” He said, “I am eagerly awaiting to receive Classic Palm Craft Nilavilakku made by women based in Kerala. It is commendable how our #NariShakti has preserved and popularised local crafts and products.”
Women Empowerment Programmes #106253 - 14-Mar-2021 12:44 PM
International Women's Day 2021: Youngest distributor Harkiran Wraich honored by Voice of Women Chandigarh
The youngest female film distributor of North India Harkiran Kaur Wraich was honored by the Chandigarh-based organization Voice of Women on occasion of International Women's Day.
Women Empowerment Programmes #105992 - 07-Mar-2021 06:16 PM
Provided equal opportunity, a woman can contribute equally in any field: Smt. Devpreet Singh, ADG, Ministry of I&B
*Webinar on “Empowerment of Women” organized today
Women Empowerment Programmes #105914 - 05-Mar-2021 04:34 PM
Kamaljeet Kaur Sohana single female candidate from Ward 40 in Mohali MC Elections
Kamaljeey Kaur is engaged alone in an election fight with men and is fully confident of her victory.
Women Empowerment Programmes #103840 - 07-Feb-2021 01:02 PM
Webinar Organized by Bharat Niti
Why women are tortured in a society where we talk of equal rights to women? I support equal rights for women and I stand by the women who were victims of on online harassment.
Women Empowerment Programmes #97396 - 02-Jul-2020 08:47 PM
Women Empowerment Programmes #94659 - 17-Mar-2020 05:05 PM
MRS POONAM SEHGAL Awarded On *Mahila Samaan Samaroh* at Mount Carmel School Chandigarh.
Its really a proud Moment for All of Us. With God Grace and all of your Blessings MRS POONAM SEHGAL Awarded when Invited as A Special Guest in So Many different Programs on the Ocassion of International Women's Day.
Women Empowerment Programmes #94685 - 12-Mar-2020 09:31 AM
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