MAHENDERGARH, 06.91.25-In a significant achievement, Ms. Gayatri Pradhan, a Masters student from the Environmental Studies Department, has been selected to represent State of Haryana and Central University of Haryana (CUH), Mahendergarh at the prestigious National Environmental Youth Parliament (NEYP) 2025. This annual event, recognized as one of the most important platforms for youth engagement in environmental policy discussions, will take place in Jaipur, Rajasthan on January 24-25, 2025.

Prof. Tankeswar Kumar, Vice-Chancellor congratulated Ms. Gayatri and Dr. Mona Sharma, Environmental Nodal Officer of the University on the achievement and stated that It is a matter of immense pride for our institution that Gayatri has been selected for such a national-level platform. It showcases not only her dedication to environmental issues but also the importance of empowering youth to lead the charge toward a sustainable future. Her dedication to environmental conservation and advocacy is truly commendable. We are confident that she will represent us with excellence and bring innovative perspectives to the discussions.
Prof. Surinder Singh also congratulated the student and highlighted that the NEYP serves as a vital platform to amplify the voices of the youth in national discussions surrounding climate change, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development. Participants are expected to present their ideas on topics ranging from environmental policies to the role of youth in driving ecological change.
Dr. Mona Sharma, Environmental Nodal Officer of the University and Head, Department of Environmental Studies also congratulated her and expressed her enthusiasm about Gayatri’s selection. Dr. Mona said total 24 students have been selected from Delhi, Haryana and Punjab. She said, we are incredibly proud of her and this remarkable achievement. She further said the NEYP is a transformative platform for youth to engage in meaningful dialogue on pressing environmental issues. Her selection is a testament to her hard work and the quality of environmental education we are providing. She further mentioned that Gayatri was chosen after a rigorous selection process that assessed candidates on their academic achievements, leadership potential, and commitment to environmental conservation and sustainability. As part of the NEYP, she will join a select group of young environmental leaders from across the country to discuss pressing environmental issues, propose solutions, and interact with policymakers, experts, and fellow change makers. This selection recognizes Gayatri's passion for environmental issues and her commitment to driving positive change. Her selection is a significant milestone in her academic journey and a testament to the growing recognition of youth-led environmental initiatives across the nation. We look forward to her valuable contributions at the forthcoming event.