The 25th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Neuroradiology ISNR 2024 was held at the city of Hyderabad on 8-10th March 2024.
The ISNR is the largest academic body of the Neuroradiologists of India and the conference was attended by more than 700 delegates with prominent International and national speakers.

Prof Dr Paramjeet Singh, Chief of the Neuroradiology section of the Department delivered the prestigious Dr P Shetty Memorial Oration in the conference.

Prof Dr Ajay Kumar has been elected as the General Secretary of the society.

Dr Swaroop G Hegde, Resident of the Department got the prestigious President's gold medal in oral paper presentation for his research work under Prof Ajay Kumar.

Dr Sanket Dash, DM resident of the department got First in the ISNR Neurointerventional Quiz and for Oral paper presentation for his research work under Prof Sameer Vyas.

Dr KSV Surya, DM resident bagged the Second Prize in the Neurointervention Quiz.

Dr Agilan under the guidance of Dr Vikas Bhatia and Dr Arju under the guidance of Dr Anuj Prabhakar, students of the department received 1st and 2nd prize respectively in the E poster categories.