CHANDIGARH-06-07-2024-Project Sarathi, an innovative initiative involving National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers in managing patient influx at PGIMER launched in themonth of May this year, is demonstrating remarkable success. Following

the successful pilot project, the second batch of 20 students from

Govt.Post Graduate College, Sector 11, Chandigarh has joined the effort,
reinforcing the institute's commitment to enhancing patient care.
Enthused with the project’s outcome, Prof. Vivek Lal, Director
PGIMER, stating, "The involvement of NSS volunteers in Project Sarathi
has significantly improved the patient management process at our
hospital. Their dedication and enthusiasm have not only eased the burden
on our medical staff but also provided invaluable support to the patients
and their families.”
Exemplifying the power of collaborative efforts in addressing healthcare
challenges, this symbiotic relationship between community and hospital
enhances the overall healthcare delivery system,” emphasised the
Director, PGIMER.

The pilot project, which saw the first batch of volunteers managing
patient rush efficiently, laid the foundation for this larger deployment. The volunteers assist with patient registration, guide them to various
departments, and provide essential information, ensuring a smoother and more organized experience for everyone involved.

Mr. Pankaj Rai, Deputy Director (Administration), PGIMER,
highlighted the positive impact of the initiative as he expressed, “Project
Sarathi has been a game-changer for us. The NSS volunteers bring in a
fresh perspective and energy that has greatly benefited our operations.
As the project continues to evolve, it promises to set new benchmarks inpatient care and community service, reflecting PGIMER's dedication toinnovative solutions and community partnership.”

“It is heartening to see that, along with NSS volunteers, NGOs are
evincing interest in Project Sarathi with Manav Ruhani Satsang, an NGO
already involved in social projects, already joining our cause. We appeal
to NGOs, senior citizens, and other volunteers to join Project Sarathi as
their participation can significantly improve patient care and ease the
burden on medical staff. Together, we can enhance the healthcare
experience for everyone,” added Deputy Director (Administration),
Underpinning the importance of community involvement in healthcare,
Prof. Vipin Koushal, Medical Superintendent, PGIMER stated, “This
initiative underscores the vital role that community and student
engagement play in the healthcare sector. The NSS volunteers are not
only gaining practical experience but are also contributing significantly to the well-being of our patients."

The second batch of 20 students is now actively participating in the
project, building on the solid foundation laid by their predecessors. Their
involvement is expected to further streamline patient services, ensuring a more efficient and patient-friendly environment at PGIMER, further said Prof. Koushal.

Dr. Divya Monga, NSS Incharge, Post Graduate Government
College Sector-11, Chandigarh. expressed immense pride in the
students’ contributions. "Our volunteers have embraced this opportunity
with great enthusiasm and dedication. Such is he interest and
engagement that initially deployed for 2 weeks, they have insisted to
enhance their deployment for another week. Project Sarathi has provided them with a platform to apply their skills and compassion in a real-world setting. “

Sharing the sentiments of all the student volunteers, Tarun Garcha, NSS
Student Coordinator, said, "Being part of Project Sarathi has been a
life-changing experience. Knowing about someone in pain is one thing,
but seeing it firsthand is completely different. This journey has taught us
gratitude and compassion. It's empowering to know that our efforts are
helping many patients save time and avoid unnecessary struggles."