Chandigarh,17.07.24- Today i.e. on 17.07.2024, the Road Safety Awareness Cell of Chandigarh Traffic Police in collaboration with the Young Indians Chandigarh Chapter conducted a Road Safety Awareness Session about Traffic Rules & Regulations and important road safety issues at the Young Indians Farishtey Emergency Respond Training Programme.

The Session was delivered by Dr Syed Javed Ashraf & Mr Chandra Prakash from EMRI Green Health Services and was well attended by Mr. Arvind Sehdev, Chair, Young Indians Chandigarh Chapter & Partner, NRI paperwork solutions, Mr Vijender Singh, Co - Chair, Yi Chandigarh Chapter & Founder and Managing Partner, Bachhal Vijender & Associates, Mr. Akshit Garg, Chair: Road Safety, Yi Chandigarh Chapter and 50 delegates from the Chandigarh Tricity and staff of Police Station Sector 31.

During the session, they made the delegates aware about the important provisions, Rules & Regulations contained in Motor Vehicle Driving Regulation (MVDR) 2017, Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Act 2019 and Central Motor Vehicle Rules (CMVR) 1989. Special emphasis was given on the impact and importance of use of safety headgear, i.e. “HELMET” by two wheeler rider and pillion rider, wearing of seat belt by driver as well as by front and rear co-passengers for their own safety.

Besides of this they were also made aware about impact & importance of various important road safety issues which are for their own safety as well as for the safety of the other road users:-

l Importance and significance of Traffic Road Signages, Road markings and Traffic Lights signals.

l Importance and Impact of wearing of safety Headgear “HELMET”of good quality of ISI Mark and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) quality by two wheeler driver and pillion rider above the age of 04 years and it protect the Head from Head injuries in road crashes and save precious human life.

l Importance and Impact of wearing seat belt by LMV user i.e driver, front co-passenger and rear seat passengers which protects the persons wearing Seat Belt from severe bodily injuries.

l Importance and usage of Cycle Track while bicycling which are for their own safety. Not to ply/park motor vehicle on cycle track for the safety of cyclists and pedestrians who are walking on cycle track.

l No unnecessary Honking. Not to Honk especially in “No Honking Zone” an area of 100 meters around Hospitals, Courts and Educational Institutes.

l Impact of over speeding. “Speed Thrills but Kills”.

l Importance and Impact of side rear view Mirror before Lane Changing, turning Right and Left to avoid Collision and for one’s own safety and safety of other road users.

l Impact of usage of Mobile phone by Motor Vehicle driver, Cyclists and Pedestrian which causes distraction and resulting into road crashes or any other untoward incident.

l No Jay waling on roads and to cross roads from Pedestrian Zebra crossing Markings with due care and caution and not to cross the road from the passege in between the parked vehicle.

l Importance and impact of lane Driving causes “Lane Driving is Sane Diving avoid traffic congestion and stream line of traffic flow.

l Give way to Emergency Vehicle i.e. Ambulance, Fire Brigade and Police (PCR) Vehicles.

Chandigarh Traffic Police appeals to all the citizens to follow and obey traffic rules & regulations for their own safety as well as for the safety of other road users for making the roads more safety and to reduce road crash fatalities.