Chandigarh:18.07.24-Inner Wheel Panchkula Center presented two fans to Maharishi Dayanand Public School, MDAV Bhawan, Dariya, Chandigarh. The program was inaugurated under the chairmanship of Inner Wheel Panchkula Center President Benu Rao. She presented two fans to the school's Vice Principal Anju Modgil for the school. Giving the message of green earth, she also distributed plants in the school. She encouraged the children to plant trees.

During the program, she made the students aware about good touch and bad touch. She said that when you do not like someone's touch or you become uncomfortable and scared, then that is bad touch. There is no difference between male and female in this, but boy-boy and girl-girl can also be involved. She said that if someone tempts you, then keep a distance from him. It is possible that he wants to exploit you under the pretext of that. If someone pats you on the back, it is a good touch. If someone touches from behind, that is, from top to bottom, it is wrong. Touching the wrong place is bad touch.

She cautioned the children that there are many types of people in society. Some are good and some are bad and it is very important to know them. School's Vice Principal Anju Modgil thanked the guests. On this occasion, Inner Wheel Club Panchkula Central's Vice President Priya, Secretary Suman Monga, Treasurer Shalini Dutta and Vandana were also present.