Chandigarh on 21st July, 2024.Experts from the field of Pediatric Anaesthesia, Neonatology, Surgery, Anatomy and ENT discussed the challenges faced in the perioperative management and how to troubleshoot these problems.

There were 40 delegates who learned how the neonatal airway is different and challenging on dissected foetal specimens . They practiced use of basic and advanced airway management devices on manikins.

Perioperative neonatal simulation station was also set up to improve interdisciplinary handing over of neonates and communication skills of the participants. Organizing Chairperson Prof Indu Sen said learning in a controlled environment will improve competency of the participants when they actually manage these patients. She further added that after the introduction of the JSSK program by the government , more complex neonatal surgeries are being performed in the institute.

Dr Usha Saha shared that there is a need to reduce perioperative neonatal morbidity and mortality in India. Dr Ratho added that more such events should be held to improve skills and competency. Organizing secretary , Dr Anudeep Jafra discussed the utility of point of care ultrasound at various stages of management Other highlights of the program was a quiz competition.