CHANDIGARH, 05.06.24-State Bank of India, Local Head Office Chandigarh organised Cyclothon in Chandigarh to mark World Environment Day to create public awareness on this year’s theme of “Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience.”
The Cyclothon comprising more than 100 cyclists was flagged off by the Chief General Manager of SBI Shri Vinod Jaiswal, and other senior executives of the Bank. The event was organised along with the active support from Desh Bhagat University. Dr. Tejinder Kaur, Pro- Chancellor of the university also graced the occasion with her presence and motivation to the participants. Several SBI staff members, students, professionals, men and women from all walks of life participated in the Cyclothon. The Cyclothon was escorted by the Chandigarh Police Cycling Squad.
Addressing the gathered cyclists, SBI Staff, environment lovers, the press, and others, CGM Shri Jaiswal said that we should think about how we can take better care of our planet. Innovations in technology are helping us fight climate change. As India’s largest Public Sector Bank, we have embarked on our sustainability journey with an objective to create a positive impact on the environment. Green Banking and sustainability have long been areas of priority for SBI. He further mentioned SBI’s Green Bond programme which helps fund projects that protect the environment like Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Hydropower, Low Carbon Buildings, Low Emission Transportation systems electric vehicles etc.
He motivated, congratulated and thanked the cyclists as ecological warriors to spread the message of Environment Day to the people in Chandigarh.