Mahendergarh, 27.03.25-The Department of Nutrition Biology, Central University of Haryana (CUH), Mahendergarh organized expert talk entitled “Millets: Nutritional Benefits, Processing and Health Implications” Under SHRI-DST Funded Project. On this occasion, the expert Prof. (Dr.) Beenu Tanwar from Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur presented research with respect to the theme of the lectures.

The Chief patron of the event Vice Chancellor Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar congratulate the Department and conveyed his best wishes for the successful conduct of the lecture.
Prof. Beenu Tanwar discussed about nutritional/ therapeutic properties of various millets, their production, impact of processing on the nutritional/therapeutic properties and possible health implications. Large number of students and faculty attended the lecture and interacted with the expert. The invited expert has also responded to the queries raised by the faculty members and students.
The Dean, School of Interdisciplinary and Applied Sciences Prof. Dinesh Kumar Gupta and Head, Department of Nutrition Biology Prof. Kanti Prakash Sharma appreciated the efforts of the Dr Anita Kumari, Convenor and Dr Ashwani Kumar, organizing secretary of the event for conducting this event on such an alarming theme.